UBE2V1 产品
(Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzyme E2 Variant 1 (UBE2V1))
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Latest Publications for our UBE2V1 Products
: "Neuronal apoptosis-inhibitory protein does not interact with Smac and requires ATP to bind caspase-9." in: The Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 279, Issue 39, pp. 40622-8, (2004) (PubMed).: "TLRs: differential adapter utilization by toll-like receptors mediates TLR-specific patterns of gene expression." in: Molecular interventions, Vol. 3, Issue 8, pp. 466-77, (2004) (PubMed).
: "Toll-like receptor signalling." in: Nature reviews. Immunology, Vol. 4, Issue 7, pp. 499-511, (2004) (PubMed).
: "The inhibitors of apoptosis: there is more to life than Bcl2." in: Oncogene, Vol. 22, Issue 53, pp. 8568-80, (2003) (PubMed).
: "Activation of the IkappaB kinase complex by TRAF6 requires a dimeric ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme complex and a unique polyubiquitin chain." in: Cell, Vol. 103, Issue 2, pp. 351-61, (2000) (PubMed).
: "A new function evolved from gene fusion." in: Genome research, Vol. 10, Issue 11, pp. 1655-7, (2000) (PubMed).
: "Fusion of the human gene for the polyubiquitination coeffector UEV1 with Kua, a newly identified gene." in: Genome research, Vol. 10, Issue 11, pp. 1743-56, (2000) (PubMed).
: "The gene for neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein is partially deleted in individuals with spinal muscular atrophy." in: Cell, Vol. 80, Issue 1, pp. 167-78, (1995) (PubMed).
Synonyms and alternative names related to UBE2V1
ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 V1 (UBE2V1), ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 variant 1 (ube2v1), ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 variant 1 (UBE2V1), ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 variant 1 (Ube2v1), ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 V1 (Ube2v1), 0610011J09Rik, AI256840, CIR1, CROC-1, CROC-1B, CROC1, D7Bwg1382e, UBE2V, UEV-1, UEV1, UEV1AProtein level used designations for UBE2V1
- ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 variant 1
- DNA-binding protein
- TRAF6-regulated IKK activator 1 beta Uev1A
- UEV-1