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STK39 蛋白

(serine threonine Kinase 39 (STK39))
This gene encodes a serine/threonine kinase that is thought to function in the cellular stress response pathway. The kinase is activated in response to hypotonic stress, leading to phosphorylation of several cation-chloride-coupled cotransporters. The catalytically active kinase specifically activates the p38 MAP kinase pathway, and its interaction with p38 decreases upon cellular stress, suggesting that this kinase may serve as an intermediate in the response to cellular stress. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008].
STK39 Protein (AA 362-461) (GST tag) STK39 Protein (AA 362-461) (GST tag) STK39 Protein (AA 362-461) (GST tag) (ABIN1321704)

STK39 宿主: 人 宿主: 小麦胚 Recombinant WB, ELISA, AP, AA

STK39 Protein (AA 63-545) (His tag) (ABIN7409908)

STK39 宿主: 人 宿主: 大肠杆菌(E. Coli) Recombinant >90 % WB, SDS, Imm, PC

STK39 Protein (AA 1-556) (Strep Tag) (ABIN3120322)

STK39 宿主: 小鼠 宿主: Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Recombinant ≥ 80 % as determined by SDS PAGE, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Western Blot. WB, SDS, ELISA

STK39 蛋白 by Origin

Find STK39 蛋白 for a variety of species such as anti-Human STK39, anti-Mouse STK39, anti-Rat STK39. The species listed below are among those available. Click on a link to go to the corresponding products.

STK39 蛋白 by Source

Here you will find STK39 蛋白 proteins organized by several key sources. By clicking on a link, you can access the products. For additional sources, please use our search function.

STK39 蛋白 by 蛋白类型

Here you can find STK39 蛋白 proteins categorized by available protein types. Additional protein types can be located using our search function.

STK39 蛋白 by 应用范围

Find STK39 蛋白 validated for a specific application such as ELISA, WB, SDS, AP. Some of the available applications are listed below. Click on a link to go to the corresponding products.

Popular STK39 蛋白

Cat. No.
Reactivity Human
Source Wheat germ
  • (1)
  • (1)
Cat. No. ABIN1321704
Quantity 10 μg
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Human
Source Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Cat. No. ABIN7409908
Quantity 100 μg
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Mouse
Source Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
Cat. No. ABIN3120322
Quantity 1 mg
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Human
Source Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
Cat. No. ABIN3077459
Quantity 1 mg
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Human
Source HEK-293 Cells
  • (1)
Cat. No. ABIN2712376
Quantity 20 μg
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Rat
Source Yeast
Cat. No. ABIN1475702
Quantity 1 mg
Datasheet Datasheet

Latest Publications for our STK39 蛋白

Mao, Ladd, Gad, Rastetter, Johnson, Marzbani, Childs, Lu, Dang, Broussard, Stanton, Hanash, Disis: "Mining the pre-diagnostic antibody repertoire of TgMMTV-neu mice to identify autoantibodies useful for the early detection of human breast cancer." in: Journal of translational medicine, Vol. 12, pp. 121, (2014) (PubMed).

Aliases for STK39 蛋白

serine/threonine kinase 39 (stk39) 蛋白
serine/threonine kinase 39 (STK39) 蛋白
serine/threonine kinase 39 L homeolog (stk39.L) 蛋白
serine threonine kinase 39 (Stk39) 蛋白
serine threonine kinase 39 (STK39) 蛋白
serine/threonine kinase 39 (Stk39) 蛋白
AW227544 蛋白
AW556857 蛋白
dcht 蛋白
MGC69537 蛋白
pask 蛋白
RF005 蛋白
Rnl5 蛋白
spak 蛋白
Spak 蛋白
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