+86 10 56315212-8813

SNX26 抗体

(Sorting Nexin 26 (SNX26))
This gene encodes a member of the sorting nexin family. Members of this family contain a phox (PX) domain, which is a phosphoinositide binding domain, and are involved in intracellular trafficking. Alternative splice variants encoding different isoforms have been identified in this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Feb 2010].
SNX26 抗体  (C-Term) SNX26 抗体  (C-Term) SNX26 抗体 (C-Term) (ABIN184975)

Verified SNX26 适用: 人 ELISA, IHC 宿主: 山羊 Polyclonal unconjugated

SNX26 抗体  (N-Term) SNX26 抗体  (N-Term) SNX26 抗体 (N-Term) (ABIN185694)

Verified SNX26 适用: 人 ELISA, IHC 宿主: 山羊 Polyclonal unconjugated

SNX26 抗体 (AA 741-790) (ABIN6752001)

SNX26 适用: 人, 小鼠, 大鼠 WB 宿主: 兔 Polyclonal unconjugated

SNX26 抗体 by Grade

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SNX26 抗体 by 适用

Find SNX26 抗体 for a variety of species such as anti-Human SNX26, anti-Mouse SNX26, anti-Rat SNX26. The species listed below are among those available. Click on a link to go to the corresponding products.

SNX26 抗体 by 应用范围

Find SNX26 抗体 validated for a specific application such as ELISA, IHC, WB. Some of the available applications are listed below. Click on a link to go to the corresponding products.

SNX26 抗体 by 抗体来源

Find SNX26 抗体 with a specific 抗体来源. The 抗体来源 listed below are among those available. Click on a link to go to the corresponding products.

SNX26 抗体 by 抗原表位

Find SNX26 抗体 with a specific epitope. The epitopes listed below are among those available. Click on a link to go to the corresponding products.

SNX26 抗体 by 克隆形成能力

Find available monoclonal or polyclonal SNX26 抗体. Click on a link to go to the corresponding products.

Popular SNX26 抗体

Cat. No.
Reactivity Human
Application ELISA, IHC
  • (1)
Cat. No. ABIN184975
Quantity 100 μg
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Human
Application ELISA, IHC
  • (1)
Cat. No. ABIN185694
Quantity 100 μg
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Human, Mouse, Rat
Application WB
Cat. No. ABIN6752001
Quantity 100 μL
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Cow, Dog, Guinea Pig, Human, Mouse, Rat
Application WB
  • (1)
Cat. No. ABIN2791282
Quantity 100 μL
Datasheet Datasheet

Latest Publications for our SNX26 抗体

Liu, Nakazawa, Tezuka, Yamamoto: "Physical and functional interaction of Fyn tyrosine kinase with a brain-enriched Rho GTPase-activating protein TCGAP." in: The Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 281, Issue 33, pp. 23611-9, (2006) (PubMed).

Teasdale, Loci, Houghton, Karlsson, Gleeson: "A large family of endosome-localized proteins related to sorting nexin 1." in: The Biochemical journal, Vol. 358, Issue Pt 1, pp. 7-16, (2001) (PubMed).

Aliases for SNX26 抗体

Rho GTPase activating protein 33 (ARHGAP33) 抗体
Rho GTPase activating protein 33 (Arhgap33) 抗体
Rho GTPase activating protein 33 (arhgap33) 抗体
AW324378 抗体
SNX26 抗体
Snx26 抗体
tcgap 抗体
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