RFC4 产品
(Replication Factor C (Activator 1) 4, 37kDa (RFC4))
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Featured RFC4 Categories
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Latest Publications for our RFC4 Products
: "Regorafenib induces lethal autophagy arrest by stabilizing PSAT1 in glioblastoma." in: Autophagy, pp. 1-17, (2019) (PubMed).: "Identification of ANXA2 (annexin A2) as a specific bleomycin target to induce pulmonary fibrosis by impeding TFEB-mediated autophagic flux." in: Autophagy, pp. 1-14, (2017) (PubMed).
: "Phosphoinositide 3-kinase beta controls replication factor C assembly and function." in: Nucleic acids research, Vol. 41, Issue 2, pp. 855-68, (2013) (PubMed).
: "Evasion of early cellular response mechanisms following low level radiation-induced DNA damage." in: The Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 279, Issue 48, pp. 49624-32, (2004) (PubMed).
Synonyms and alternative names related to RFC4
replication factor C subunit 4 (PFL2005w), Replication factor C subunit 4 (EHI_167150), replication factor C subunit 4 (TP03_0432), replication factor C subunit 4 (Tb11.01.1310), replication factor C subunit 4 (BBOV_IV002210), replication factor C subunit 4 (rfc4), Replication factor C subunit 4 (rfc-4), replication factor C (activator 1) 4 (Rfc4), replication factor C subunit 4 (Rfc4), replication factor C subunit 4 (RFC4), replication factor C subunit 4 L homeolog (rfc4.L), 21.m03053, 44.t00003, A1, AI894123, AU040575, rfc2, rfc4, RFC37Protein level used designations for RFC4
- replication factor C subunit 4
- Replication factor C subunit 4
- activator 1 subunit 4
- A1 37 kDa subunit
- RF-C 37 kDa subunit
- RFC 37 kDa subunit
- activator 1 37 kDa subunit
- replication factor C 37 kDa subunit
- replication factor C p37 subunit
- replication factor C 4