Reticulon 4 Receptor-Like 2 产品
(Reticulon 4 Receptor-Like 2 (RTN4RL2))
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Latest Publications for our Reticulon 4 Receptor-Like 2 Products
: "Autophagy mediated by arginine depletion activation of the nutrient sensor GCN2 contributes to interferon-γ-induced malignant transformation of primary bovine mammary epithelial cells." in: Cell death discovery, Vol. 2, pp. 15065, (2016) (PubMed).: "IFN-?-dependent activation of the brain's choroid plexus for CNS immune surveillance and repair." in: Brain : a journal of neurology, Vol. 136, Issue Pt 11, pp. 3427-40, (2013) (PubMed).
Synonyms and alternative names related to Reticulon 4 Receptor-Like 2
reticulon 4 receptor like 2 (RTN4RL2), reticulon 4 receptor-like 2 (RTN4RL2), reticulon 4 receptor-like 2 (Rtn4rl2), reticulon 4 receptor-like 2b (rtn4rl2b), reticulon 4 receptor-like 2 a (rtn4rl2a), NgR2, Ngr2, NGRH1, Ngrh1, NgRH1a, NgRH1b, Ngrl3, RTN4RL2, rtn4rl2Protein level used designations for Reticulon 4 Receptor-Like 2
- Nogo-66 receptor homolog 1
- nogo receptor-like 3
- nogo-66 receptor-related protein 2
- reticulon-4 receptor-like 2
- reticulon 4 receptor-like 2
- reticulon-4 receptor-like 2-like
- nogo-66 receptor homolog 1
- ngR2
- Nogo receptor homolog 1b
- reticulon 4 receptor-like 2b
- Nogo receptor homolog 1a
- Reticulon 4
- Reticulon 3
- Reticulon 2
- Reticulon 1C
- Reticulon 1A/B
- Reticulon 1A
- Reticulon 1
- Retbindin
- Ret Proto-Oncogene
- Ret Oncogene
- RESP18
- Resistin
- Resistance To Inhibitors of Cholinesterase 8 Homolog A (C. Elegans)
- RER1
- Requiem Protein
- Reticulum Cell
- Retina and Anterior Neural Fold Homeobox
- Retinal G Protein Coupled Receptor
- Retinal Homeobox Gene 1
- Retinal Homeobox Gene 3
- Retinal Outer Segment Membrane Protein 1
- Retinal Pigment Epithelium-Specific Protein 65kDa
- Retinaldehyde Binding Protein 1
- Retinoblastoma 1
- Retinoblastoma Binding Protein 4
- Retinoblastoma Binding Protein 8
- Retinoblastoma Protein (Rb)
- Retinoic Acid
- Retinoic Acid Early Transcript 1E
- Retinoic Acid Early Transcript 1G
- Retinoic Acid Induced 12
- Retinoic Acid Receptor alpha
- Retinoic Acid Receptor beta
- Retinoic Acid Receptor, gamma
- Retinoid X Receptor beta