Each Investigator should determine their own optimal working dilution for specific applications.
4 mM sodium acetate-HCI, 0.14 NaCl, pH 5.3.
Donor samples were tested and found to be negative for Anti-HIV1/2, Anti-HTLV I & II, HBsAg, Anti-HCV, Syphilis, HBC Ab, HIV-1 p24 Ag or HIV-1 RNA, HCV RNA and HBV RNA. Nonetheless caution should be used when handling this material as there is a margin of error in all tests. Donors were also screened for CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease).
Factor XI is the zymogen form of factor XIa, one of the enzymes of the coagulation cascade. It is converted to factor XIa by factor XIIa (FXIIa), thrombin, and it is also autocatalytic. FXI is a member of the contact pathway due to activation by FXIIa. Description: Human plasma. Alternative Names: Complement Factor XI protein