ACE Inhibitor Pathway
Angiotensin-converting enzyme, or ACE, is a central component of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), which controls blood pressure by regulating the volume of fluids in the body. ACE inhibitors are of medical use as treatment of cardiovascular diseases...
细胞凋亡是一个高度受控的过程,使生物体能够按照有组织的方式来处理或许不再需要的细胞。它通过特定类别的死亡受体或固有因素启动,比如 DNA 损坏。细胞凋亡主要由 caspase 蛋白酶类驱动,进一步受 Bcl-2 和抑制剂蛋白控制。此类程序化细胞死亡调节异常时常与癌症有关。
Autophagy is the regulated, self-degradative process of the cell that disassembles unnecessary or dysfunctional components. The lysosomal pathway is evolutionarily conserved and initiates engulfment, degradation and recycling of cellular contents including long-lived proteins and organelles thus promoting cell survival.
BCR Signaling
B cell receptor (BCR) signaling is essential for B survival and development and antibody production under physiological and pathological conditions. Antigen-driven priming signaling is important for the initiation of B cell activation and differentiation into antibody-secreting cells. On the other hand, tonic BCR signaling is required for B cell survival and development whereas chronic signaling is essential for the proliferation of B cell lymphoma cells.
Cancer Immune Checkpoints
Cancer Immune Checkpoints
Cell Division Cycle
Cell division unfolds in four stages - G1, S, G2, and M phase – depending on a number of internal or external signals. Progression through the different phases is driven by cyclin dependent kinases (CDK) and their activators, the cyclins. Additionally, their activity is further modulated by CDK inhibitors. Tight control of the cell cycle is essential to maintain proper cell homeostasis.
Complement System
DNA Damage Repair
Hedgehog Signaling
Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) in Adaptive Immune Response
The Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) comprises a number of genes that occur in many species. The encoded proteins help the immune system to tell the body's own proteins apart from those of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and protozoans. In humans, MHC proteins are encoded by the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA), a group of more than 200 genes located closely together on the short arm of chromosome 6.
Inflammasomes are multiprotein complexes located in the cytosol. Typically, they consist of a sensor protein, an adaptor protein containing an caspase recruitment domain, and a pro-inflammatory caspase. In case of the NLRP3 inflammasome, presently the best characterized inflammasome, the respective proteins are NLRP3, ASC/PYCARD, and CASP1.
JAK/STAT Signaling
Lipid Metabolism
Lipids are omnipresent in a multitude of vital cell processes. Cells use lipids to store energy, build membranes, signal within and between cells, sense the environment, covalently modify proteins, form specialized permeability barriers (e.g., in skin), and protect cells from highly reactive chemicals.
MAPK Pathway
Phosphorylation is the reversible process of attaching a phosphate group to a specific amino-acid residue on a protein. Functionally, phosphorylation acts as a simple molecular switch that can activate, deactivate, or modulate the function of a protein. Addition and removal of phosphate groups provide spatial and temporal control over protein activity.

Microtubule Dynamics
NF-kappaB Signaling
NF-kappaB (核因子活化B细胞轻链增强子)是一种同源或异源二聚体转录因子,在各种信号转导通路网络中处于中枢地位。...
Notch Signaling
高度保守的Notch信号通路是独一无二的,因为Notch受体及其大多数相应配体(公认的DSL或Delta/Serrate/LAG-2 DSL家族成员)都是附着在细胞表面的跨膜蛋白。...

p53 Pathway
p53是最重要的肿瘤抑制基因之一,常被称为“基因组守护者”。 在几乎所有的癌症中,都存在 p53基因或其调控回路中的一部分发生基因突变,由此可见其重要性。它通过防止由细胞应激或DNA损伤导致突变来保护基因组的稳定性。 p53通过调节细胞凋亡...
PI3K-Akt Signaling
PI3K/Akt通路在细胞稳态、神经发育、新陈代谢及其他过程中均发挥着关键作用。它调节着细胞发育的各个方面,如细胞凋亡、细胞周期进程和细胞分化。 PI3K/Akt通路的关键调节因子为Akt/PKB——一个由三种紧密相关的丝氨酸/苏氨酸-蛋白激酶组成的家族。其中Akt1/PKBα在细胞增殖和细胞代谢中扮演着重要角色。Akt2/PKBβ对葡萄糖代谢具有十分重要的意义。而Akt3/PKBγ则是Akt家族中特征最不明显的成员...
RTK signaling
S100 Proteins
testS100 proteins are a group of small, dimeric Ca2+-binding proteins that are found in a wide variety of cells and tissues. Due to their broad range of extracellular and intracellular interaction partners, S100 proteins are involved in a plethora of extra- and intracellular functions, including regulation of inflammation, cell differentiation and proliferation, migration, tissue repair, apoptosis, and protein phosphorylation.

SARS-CoV-2 Protein Interactome
SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA beta coronavirus belonging to the order of nidovirales. In the first three months since its initial identification in December 2019 SARS-CoV-2 has caused more than 800.000 confirmed cases and over 40.000 fatalities worldwide of the associated severe acute respiratory syndrome COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019)
TCR Signaling
The T-Cell Receptor (TCR) is a protein complex on the surface of T-cell responsible for the recognition of antigens on the surface of antigen presenting cells (APC). Cell surface glycoproteins CD4 and CD8 serve as coreceptors with the TCR primarily for the interaction with the major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC II) loaded with peptides derived from cytosolic proteins and MHC I with extracellular protein peptides respectively. Activation of the TCR induces a number of signaling cascades, ultimately leading to the transcription of several gene products essential for T cells differentiation, proliferation and secretion of a number of cytokines.

The Global Phosphorylation Landscape of SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Multipe SARS-CoV-2 vaccines have already been approved. The Phosphorylation Landscape of SARS-CoV-2 Infection presented here is a step towards a deeper understanding of virus-host relationship and vaccine development.
TLR signaling
Toll-like receptors play an essential in the innate immune response against various pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. TLRs elicit one of two conserved inflammatory pathways: either the TRIF- or the MyD88 dependent pathway. Besides, TLR signaling also induces dendritic cell maturation and the adaptive immune response.
Ubiquitin Proteasome Pathway
Unlike most regulatory mechanisms, protein degradation is inherently irreversible. Destruction of a protein can lead to a complete, rapid, and sustained termination of the process involving the protein as well as a change in cell composition. The rapid degradation of specific proteins permits adaptation to new physiologic conditions.
Unfolded Protein Response
The unfolded protein response (UPR) is a cellular stress response activated in eukaryotic cells in response to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, an accumulation of unfolded proteins in the ER lumen
VEGF Signaling
Vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) constitute a sub-family of growth factors that stimulate the growth of new blood vessels. VEGFs are important signaling proteins and initiate angiogenesis via several signalling cascades.
Warburg Effect
The Warburg effect, also aerobic glycolysis, describes the preference of cancer for fermentation of glucose to lactate even in the presence of sufficient amounts of oxygen. While the catabolic efficiency of aerobic glycolysis is considerably lower than for oxidative phosphorylation, it provides a different selective advantage to cancer cells by providing building blocks which are necessary to support the continuous growth and survival of cancer cells.
WNT signaling
Wnts are a class of evolutionarily-conserved, lipid-modified glycoproteins that play a pivotal role in development and homeostasis through a number of different paracrine...
Activated T Cell Proliferation
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查看更多Asymmetric Protein Localization
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查看更多Brown Fat Cell Differentiation
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to brown fat cell differentiation.
查看更多C21-Steroid Hormone Metabolic Process
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to C21-steroid hormone metabolic process.
查看更多cAMP Metabolic Process
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to cAMP metabolic process.
查看更多Carbohydrate Homeostasis
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查看更多Cell-Cell Junction Organization
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to cell-cell junction organization.
查看更多Cellular Glucan Metabolic Process
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查看更多Cellular Response to Molecule of Bacterial Origin
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to the cellular response to molecule of bacterial origin.
查看更多CXCR4-mediated Signaling Events
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查看更多Dicarboxylic Acid Transport
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查看更多Dopaminergic Neurogenesis
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查看更多EGFR Downregulation
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查看更多Embryonic Body Morphogenesis
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查看更多ER-Nucleus Signaling
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查看更多Fc-epsilon Receptor Signaling Pathway
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查看更多G-protein mediated Events
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查看更多Glycosaminoglycan Metabolic Process
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查看更多Inositol Metabolic Process
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查看更多Integrin Complex
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查看更多Interaction of EGFR with phospholipase C-gamma
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查看更多Intracellular Steroid Hormone Receptor Signaling Pathway
Browse our intracellular steroid hormone receptor signaling pathway related antibodies and ELISA kits.
查看更多Maintenance of Protein Location
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查看更多Metabolism of Steroid Hormones and Vitamin D
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查看更多Methionine Biosynthetic Process
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查看更多Mitotic G1-G1/S Phases
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查看更多Monocarboxylic Acid Catabolic Process
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查看更多Myometrial Relaxation and Contraction
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查看更多Negative Regulation of Hormone Secretion
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查看更多Negative Regulation of intrinsic apoptotic Signaling
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查看更多Negative Regulation of Transporter Activity
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查看更多Neurotrophin Signaling Pathway
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查看更多Nuclear Hormone Receptor Binding
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查看更多Nucleotide Phosphorylation
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查看更多Peptide Hormone Metabolism
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查看更多Platelet-derived growth Factor Receptor Signaling
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查看更多Positive Regulation of Endopeptidase Activity
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查看更多Positive Regulation of fat Cell Differentiation
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查看更多Positive Regulation of Peptide Hormone Secretion
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查看更多Positive Regulation of Response to DNA Damage Stimulus
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查看更多Production of Molecular Mediator of Immune Response
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查看更多Protein targeting to Nucleus
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to the protein targeting to nucleus.
查看更多Proton Transport
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查看更多Regulation of Actin Filament Polymerization
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查看更多Regulation of Carbohydrate Metabolic Process
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查看更多Regulation of Cell Size
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查看更多Regulation of G-Protein Coupled Receptor Protein Signaling
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查看更多Regulation of Hormone Biosynthetic Process
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to the regulation of hormone biosynthetic processes.
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Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to the regulation of hormone metabolic processes.
查看更多Regulation of Intracellular Steroid Hormone Receptor Signaling
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to regulation of intracellular steroid hormone receptor signaling.
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查看更多Regulation of Lipid Metabolism by PPARalpha
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to the Regulation of Lipid Metabolism by Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha).
查看更多Regulation of long-term Neuronal Synaptic Plasticity
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to regulation of long-term neuronal synaptic plasticity.
查看更多Regulation of Muscle Cell Differentiation
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to regulation of muscle cell differentiation.
查看更多Regulation of Systemic Arterial Blood Pressure by Hormones
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to the regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by hormones.
查看更多Response to Growth Hormone Stimulus
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to response to growth hormone stimulus.
查看更多Response to Water Deprivation
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to the response to water deprivation.
查看更多Retinoic Acid Receptor Signaling Pathway
Browse our retinoic acid Receptor signaling pathway related antibodies and ELISA kits.
查看更多Ribonucleoprotein Complex Subunit Organization
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to the ribonucleoprotein complex subunit organization.
查看更多Ribonucleoside Biosynthetic Process
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to ribonucleoside biosynthetic process.
查看更多Sensory Perception of Sound
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to the sensory perception of sound.
查看更多Signaling Events mediated by VEGFR1 and VEGFR2
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查看更多Signaling of Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to signaling of Hepatocyte Growth Factor receptor.
查看更多Skeletal Muscle Fiber Development
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to skeletal muscle fiber development.
查看更多Smooth Muscle Cell Migration
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查看更多Stem Cell Maintenance
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查看更多Steroid Hormone Biosynthesis
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查看更多Synaptic Membrane
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查看更多Thromboxane A2 Receptor Signaling
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to Thromboxane A2 receptor signaling.
查看更多Thyroid Hormone Synthesis
Browse our antibodies, ELISA kits and proteins related to thyroid hormone synthesis.
查看更多Toll-Like Receptors Cascades
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查看更多Transition Metal Ion Homeostasis
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查看更多VEGFR1 Specific Signals
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