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LRRC39 蛋白

(Leucine Rich Repeat Containing 39 (LRRC39))
Component of the sarcomeric M-band which plays a role in myocyte response to biomechanical stress (By similarity). May regulate expression of other M-band proteins via an SRF-dependent pathway (By similarity). Important for normal contractile function in heart (PubMed:20847312). {ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:D3ZXS4, ECO:0000269|PubMed:20847312}.
LRRC39 Protein (AA 1-335) (GST tag) LRRC39 Protein (AA 1-335) (GST tag) LRRC39 Protein (AA 1-335) (GST tag) (ABIN1309767)

LRRC39 宿主: 人 宿主: 小麦胚 Recombinant ELISA, WB, AP, AA

LRRC39 Protein (AA 1-337) (Strep Tag) (ABIN3124688)

LRRC39 宿主: 小鼠 宿主: Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Recombinant ≥ 80 % as determined by SDS PAGE, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Western Blot. ELISA, WB, SDS

LRRC39 Protein (AA 1-335) (Strep Tag) (ABIN3083247)

LRRC39 宿主: 人 宿主: Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Recombinant >80 % as determined by SDS PAGE, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Western Blot. ELISA, WB, SDS

LRRC39 蛋白 by Origin

Find LRRC39 蛋白 for a variety of species such as anti-Human LRRC39, anti-Cow LRRC39, anti-Mouse LRRC39. The species listed below are among those available. Click on a link to go to the corresponding products.

LRRC39 蛋白 by Source

Here you will find LRRC39 蛋白 proteins organized by several key sources. By clicking on a link, you can access the products. For additional sources, please use our search function.

LRRC39 蛋白 by 蛋白类型

Here you can find LRRC39 蛋白 proteins categorized by available protein types. Additional protein types can be located using our search function.

LRRC39 蛋白 by 应用范围

Find LRRC39 蛋白 validated for a specific application such as ELISA, WB, SDS, AP. Some of the available applications are listed below. Click on a link to go to the corresponding products.

Popular LRRC39 蛋白

Cat. No.
Reactivity Human
Source Wheat germ
  • (1)
Cat. No. ABIN1309767
Quantity 10 μg
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Mouse
Source Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
Cat. No. ABIN3124688
Quantity 1 mg
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Human
Source Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
Cat. No. ABIN3083247
Quantity 1 mg
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Human
Source HEK-293 Cells
  • (1)
Cat. No. ABIN2724914
Quantity 20 μg
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Cow
Source Yeast
Cat. No. ABIN1629041
Quantity 1 mg
Datasheet Datasheet

Aliases for LRRC39 蛋白

leucine rich repeat containing 39 (LRRC39) 蛋白
leucine rich repeat containing 39 (Lrrc39) 蛋白
2010005E21Rik 蛋白
9430028I06Rik 蛋白
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