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Cellular Senescence Detection Kit (SA-β-Gal Staining)

D 适用: 哺乳动物 Cell Samples
产品编号 ABIN2344912
发货至: 中国
  • 适用
    Detection (D)
    Cell Samples
    1. 100X Fixing Solution : One tube - 1.5 mL of 25% Glutaraldehyde
    2. Staining Solution A : One tube - 1.5 mL of 500 mM Potassium Ferrocyanide
    3. Staining Solution B : One tube - 1.5 mL of 500 mM Potassium Ferricyanide
    4. Staining Solution C : Three tubes - 1.5 mL of 1 M Citrate-Na2HPO4 Buffer, pH 6.0, 50 mM MgCl2 in each tube
    5. Staining Solution D : Two tubes - 2.0 mL of 5 M NaCl in each tube
    6. X-gal Solution : Two tubes - 1.5 mL of 40 mg/mL X-gal in DMF in each tube 2
    1. PBS
    2. 37 °C Incubator
    3. Light microscope
    4. Senescent cells or tissue samples
  • 应用备注
    Optimal working dilution should be determined by the investigator.

    • Stain cells for senescence-associated ß-galactosidase
    • Assay performed in a standard 35 mm culture dish

    • 1X Fixing Solution: Prepare a 1X Fixing Solution by diluting the provided 100X stock 1:100 in 1X PBS. Store the diluted solution at room temperature for up to six months.
    • Cell Staining Working Solution: Prepare FRESH cell staining working solution based on the number of samples. The chart below is suggested for samples in 35 mm plate, and may be modified accordingly to suit other culture plate sizes. 1 dish 5 dishes 10 dishes Reagents (35 mm) (35 mm) (35 mm) Staining Solution A 20 μL 100 μL 200 μL Staining Solution B 20 μL 100 μL 200 μL Staining Solution C 80 μL 400 μL 800 μL Staining Solution D 60 μL 300 μL 600 μL X-Gal Solution 50 μL 250 μL 500 μL H2O 1.77 mL 8.85 mL 17.7 mL Total 2 mL 10 mL 20 mL
    1. Aspirate the medium from the senescent cells expressing SA-ß-Gal.
    2. Wash the cells twice with 3 mL of 1X PBS and aspirate the final wash.
    3. Add 2 mL of 1X Fixing Solution. Incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes.
    4. Remove the fixing solution and wash the fixed cells three times with 3 mL of 1X PBS.
    5. Aspirate the final wash, and completely cover cells by adding 2 mL of freshly prepared Cell Staining Working Solution.
    6. Incubate the cells at 37 °C protected from light for 4 hr to overnight.
    7. Remove the Cell Staining Working Solution, then wash the stained cells twice with 3 mL of 1X PBS and store cells in 1X PBS. For long-term storage, overlay the cells with 1X PBS containing 20 % Glycerol. Store at 4 °C. Note: Excess amount of salt crystals can be removed by briefly incubating the stained sample with DMSO. 3
    8. Count the blue stained senescence cells using light microscope.
  • 储存条件
    4 °C/-20 °C
    Store X-gal solution protected from light at -20°C. Store all other components at 4°C.
  • OHara, Splinter, Trussoni, Pisarello, Loarca, Splinter, Schutte, LaRusso: "ETS Proto-oncogene 1 Transcriptionally Up-regulates the Cholangiocyte Senescence-associated Protein Cyclin-dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A." in: The Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 292, Issue 12, pp. 4833-4846, (2017) (PubMed).

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    Du, Klein, Hassounah, Zhang, Zhang, Wang: "Aging increases CCN1 expression leading to muscle senescence." in: American journal of physiology. Cell physiology, Vol. 306, Issue 1, pp. C28-36, (2014) (PubMed).

    Tabibian, OHara, Splinter, Trussoni, LaRusso: "Cholangiocyte senescence by way of N-ras activation is a characteristic of primary sclerosing cholangitis." in: Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.), Vol. 59, Issue 6, pp. 2263-75, (2014) (PubMed).

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  • 背景
    Normal primary cells proliferate in culture for a limited number of population doublings prior to undergoing terminal growth arrest and acquiring a senescent phenotype. This finite life span correlates with the age of the organism and with the life expectancy of the species from which the cells were obtained, such that the older the age or the shorter the life span, the less the ability of the cells to undergo population doubling. Senescent cells are characterized by an irreversible G1 growth arrest involving the repression of genes that drive cell cycle progression and the upregulation of cell cycle inhibitors like p16INK4a, p53, and its transcriptional target, p21CIP1. They are resistant to mitogen- induced proliferation, and assume a characteristic enlarged, flattened morphology. Research into the pathways that positively regulate senescence and ways cells bypass senescence is therefore critical in understanding carcinogenesis. Normal cells have several mechanisms in place to protect against uncontrolled proliferation and tumorigenesis. Senescent cells show common biochemical markers such as expression of an acidic senescence- associated ß-galactosidase (SA-ß-Gal) activity. While senescence has been characterized primarily in cultured cells, there is also evidence that it occurs in vivo. Cells expressing markers of senescence such as SA-ß-Gal have been identified in normal tissues. The Cellular Senescence Assay Kit provides an easy-to-use and efficient method to determine cellular senescence. SA-β-galactosidase catalyzes the hydrolysis of X-gal, which produces a blue color. Each kit provides sufficient quantities to perform up to 50 assays in 35 mm wells.
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