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Complement Factor I 产品

(Complement Factor I (CFI))


This gene encodes a serine proteinase that is essential for regulating the complement cascade. The encoded preproprotein is cleaved to produce both heavy and light chains, which are linked by disulfide bonds to form a heterodimeric glycoprotein. This heterodimer can cleave and inactivate the complement components C4b and C3b, and it prevents the assembly of the C3 and C5 convertase enzymes. Defects in this gene cause complement factor I deficiency, an autosomal recessive disease associated with a susceptibility to pyogenic infections. Mutations in this gene have been associated with a predisposition to atypical hemolytic uraemic syndrome, a disease characterized by acute renal failure, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia. Primary glomerulonephritis with immmune deposits is another condition associated with mutation of this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008].

antibodies-online.com stands for high-quality research products. Search, find and order tools with extensive validation data, images, references. Our scientific customer service is always at your disposal if you have any questions about the selection or application of our products.

Featured Complement Factor I Categories

Complement Factor I 抗体

High quality antibodies with extensive validation data.

Complement Factor I ELISA试剂盒

Reliable ELISA kits for a wide range of species.

Complement Factor I 蛋白

Proteins for various applications incl. WB, ELISA, IF etc.

Recommended Complement Factor I 抗体

Cat. No.
Reactivity Human
Application WB, IHC, IP, ICC
  • (5)
Cat. No. ABIN7444067
Quantity 100 μL
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Mouse
Application WB, IHC, IP, ICC
  • (5)
Cat. No. ABIN7443707
Quantity 100 μL
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Human
Application WB, ELISA
  • (3)
Cat. No. ABIN516816
Quantity 100 μg
Datasheet Datasheet

Recommended Complement Factor I ELISA试剂盒

Analytical Method
Cat. No.
Reactivity Human
Analytical Method Quantitative Sandwich ELISA
  • (3)
  • (1)
Cat. No. ABIN6955036
Quantity 96 tests
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Human
Analytical Method Quantitative Sandwich ELISA
  • (1)
Cat. No. ABIN6966038
Quantity 96 tests
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Human
Analytical Method Quantitative Sandwich ELISA
  • (1)
Cat. No. ABIN6962758
Quantity 96 tests
Datasheet Datasheet

Recommended Complement Factor I 蛋白

Cat. No.
Reactivity Human
Source HEK-293 Cells
  • (2)
Cat. No. ABIN7274339
Quantity 100 μg
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Human
Source Wheat germ
  • (1)
Cat. No. ABIN1349215
Quantity 10 μg
Datasheet Datasheet
Reactivity Human
Source Mammalian Cells
Cat. No. ABIN7538205
Quantity 50 μg
Datasheet Datasheet

Latest Publications for our Complement Factor I Products

Lashkari, Teague, Chen, Lin, Kumar, McLaughlin, López: "A monoclonal antibody targeting amyloid β (Aβ) restores complement factor I bioactivity: Potential implications in age-related macular degeneration and Alzheimer's disease." in: PLoS ONE, Vol. 13, Issue 5, pp. e0195751, (2018) (PubMed).

Peyvandi, Rossio, Ferrari, Lotta, Pontiggia, Ghiringhelli Borsa, Pizzuti, Donadelli, Piras, Cugno, Noris: "Thrombotic microangiopathy without renal involvement: two novel mutations in complement-regulator genes." in: Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH, Vol. 14, Issue 2, pp. 340-5, (2016) (PubMed).

Lee, Park, Lee, Park, Shin, Park, Yoo, Cho, Kim, Kim, Namgoong, Lee, Lee, Cho, Han, Kang, Ha, Bae, Kim, Park, Cheong: "Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome: Korean pediatric series." in: Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society, Vol. 57, Issue 3, pp. 431-8, (2015) (PubMed).

Kavanagh, Kemp, Mayland, Winney, Duffield, Warwick, Richards, Ward, Goodship, Goodship: "Mutations in complement factor I predispose to development of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome." in: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN, Vol. 16, Issue 7, pp. 2150-5, (2005) (PubMed).

Dragon-Durey, Frémeaux-Bacchi: "Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome and mutations in complement regulator genes." in: Springer seminars in immunopathology, Vol. 27, Issue 3, pp. 359-74, (2005) (PubMed).

Crook, Hunt: "Enrichment of early fetal-liver hemopoietic stem cells of the rat using monoclonal antibodies against the transferrin receptor, Thy-1, and MRC-OX82." in: Developmental immunology, Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp. 235-46, (1996) (PubMed).

Synonyms and alternative names related to Complement Factor I

complement factor I S homeolog (cfi.S), complement factor I L homeolog (cfi.L), complement factor I (CFI), complement factor I (cfi), complement component factor i (Cfi), complement factor I (Cfi), ahus3, AHUS3, c3b-ina, C3b-INA, c3bc4bi, c3bina, C3BINA, cfi, Cfi, CFI, factor I, FI, gb:ai721528, IF, kaf, KAF, MGC53615

Protein level used designations for Complement Factor I

  • complement factor I
  • I factor (complement)
  • complement factor 1
  • C3B/C4B inactivator
  • C3b-inactivator
  • Konglutinogen-activating factor
  • complement component I
  • complement control protein factor I
  • complement factor I heavy chain
  • light chain of factor I
  • complement component 1
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