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人 L493 Array, Glass Slide

适用: 人 AA Fluorometric Semi-Quantitative Cell Culture Supernatant, Plasma, Serum Membrane,Glass Slide
产品编号 ABIN4955886
发货至: 中国
  • 适用
    Direct ELISA
    Antibody Array (AA)
    L-Series Human Antibody Array 493 Glass Slide Kit. Detects 493 Human Proteins. Suitable for serum, plasma and cell culture supernatants.
    Cell Culture Supernatant, Serum, Plasma
    Analytical Method
    11b-HSD1, 2B4, 4-1BB, A1BG, A2M, ABL1, ACE, ACE-2, ACK1, ACPP, ACTH, ADAM-9, ADAMTS-1, ADAMTS-10, ADAMTS-13, ADAMTS-15, ADAMTS-17, ADAMTS-18, ADAMTS-19, ADAMTS-4 , ADAMTS-5, ADAMTS-L2, Adipsin, Afamin, AFP, ALBUMIN, Aldolase A, Aldolase B, Aldolase C, ALK, Alpha 1 AG, Alpha 1 Microglobulin, Alpha Lactalbumin, ALPP, AMICA, AMPKa1, Amylin, ANGPTL3, ANGPTL4, Annexin A7, APC, APCS, Apelin, Apex1, APN, ApoA1, ApoA2, ApoA4, ApoB, ApoB100, ApoC1, ApoC2, ApoC3, ApoD, ApoE, ApoE3, ApoH, ApoM, APP, ASPH, Attractin, B3GNT1, BAF57, BAFF, BAI-1, BCAM, Beta 2M, Beta Defensin 4, Beta IG-H3, Biglycan, BLAME, BMP-9, BMX, BNIP2, BNP, Btk, C2, C3a, C5/C5a, C7, C8B, C9, CA125, CA15-3, CA19-9, CA9, Cadherin-13, Calbindin, Calbindin D, Calcitonin, Calreticulin, Calsyntenin-1, CART, Caspase-3, Caspase-8, Cathepsin B, Cathepsin D, Cathepsin L, Cathepsin S, CBP, CCK, CD200, CD23, CD24, CD36, CD38, CD44, CD45, CD46, CD47, CD55, CD59, CD61, CD71, CD74, CD79 alpha, CD90, CD97, CEA, CEACAM-1, Ceruloplasmin, CFHR2, Chemerin, CHI3L1, Chromogranin A, Chymase, cIAP-2, Ck beta 8-1, CK-MB, Claudin-3, Claudin-4, CLEC3B, Clusterin, CNDP1, COCO, Complement factor H, Contactin-1, Contactin-2, Corticosteroid-binding globulin, COX-2, C-peptide, CPN2, Creatinine, CRP, CRTAM, CSH1, cTnT / Troponin T, CutA, Cyclin D1, Cystatin A, Cystatin B, Cystatin C, Cytochrome C, Cytokeratin 8, Cytokeratin18, Cytokeratin19, DBI, DCBLD2, D-Dimer, DEFA1/3, Defensin, Desmin, DLL1, DLL4, DMP-1, DPPIV, E-Cadherin, Endorphin Beta, Endothelin Receptor A, Enolase 2, ENPP2, EpCAM, EphA1, EphA2, EphA3, EphA4, EphA5, EphA6, EphA7, EphA8, EphB1, EphB2, EphB3, EphB4, EphB6, ERRa, Erythropoietin R, ESAM, EV15L, EXTL2, FABP1, FABP2, FABP3, FABP4, Factor XIII A, Factor XIII B, FAK, FAP, Fc RIIB/C, Fen 1, FER, Ferritin, Fetuin A, Fetuin B, FGFR1, FGFR1 alpha, FGFR2, Fibrinogen, Fibrinopeptide A, Fibronectin, Ficolin-3, FIH, FOLR1, FOXN3, FoxO1, FoxP3, FRK, FSH, Furin, Fyn, GADD45A, Galanin, Galectin-1, Galectin-3BP, Galectin-7, gamma-Thrombin, Gas1, Gastrin, GATA-3, GATA-4, Gelsolin, Ghrelin, GLP-1, GMNN, GPBB, GPI, GPR-39, GPX1, GPX3, GRP, GRP75, GRP78, GSR, GST, HADHA, HAI-1, HAI-2, Haptoglobin, hCG alpha, hCGb, Hck, HE4, Hemopexin, Hepcidin, HOXA10, HSP10, HSP20, HSP27, HSP32, HSP40, HSP60, HSP70, HSP90, HSPA8, HTRA2, IBSP, IGF2BP1, IGFBP-5, IL-23p19, IL-33, IL-34, IL36RN, INSL3, INSRR, Integrin alpha V, Itk, ITM2B, Kallikrein 10, Kallikrein 11, Kallikrein 14, Kallikrein 2, Kallikrein 5, Kallikrein 6, Kallikrein 7, Kallikrein 8, KCC3, KCTD10, KIF3B, KLF4, LAG-3, Layilin, LDL R, Legumain, LH, LIMPII, LIN41, Livin, LOX-1, LPS, LRG1, LTF, LTK, Lumican, Lyn, LYRIC, LYVE-1, LZTS1, Mammaglobin A, Marapsin, MATK, MBL, MBL-2, Mer, Mesothelin, MICB, Midkine, MINA, MSHa, MTUS1, Myoglobin, NAIP, Nanog, NELL2, NEP, Nesfatin, Nestin, NET1, Netrin G2, Netrin-4, Neurokinin-A, Neuropeptide Y, NF1, NM23-H1/H2, Notch-1, NPTX1, NPTXR, NR3C3, Ntn1, OCT3/4, Omentin, Osteocalcin, Osteopontin, OX40, p21, p27, p53, PAI-1, PAK7, Pancreastatin, Pancreatic Polypeptide, Pappalysin-1, PARK7, P-Cadherin, PCAF, PD-1, PDX-1, PEDF , PEPSINOGEN I, PEPSINOGEN II, PGRP-S, PI 16, PI 3Kinase p85 beta, PIM2, PKM2, Plasminogen, Podocalyxin, POMC, PON1, PON2, PPARg2, PPP2R5C, Presenilin 1, Presenilin 2, Pro-BDNF, Procalcitonin, Pro-Cathepsin B, Progesterone, pro-Glucagon, Prohibitin, Pro-MMP-13, Pro-MMP-7, Pro-MMP-9, ProSAAS, Prostasin, Protein p65, PSA-Free, PSA-total, PSP, PTH, PTHLP, PTN, PTPRD, PYK2, PYY, Ras, RBP4, RECK, RELM alpha, Resistin, RET, RIP1, ROCK1, ROCK2, ROR1, ROR2, ROS, RYK, S100A4, S100A6, S100A8, S-100b, SART1, SART3, SCG3, Selenoprotein P, SEMA3A, Serotonin, Serpin 1, Serpin A1, Serpin A12, Serpin A3, Serpin A4, Serpin A5, Serpin A8, Serpin A9, Serpin B5, Serpin D1, Serpin I1, SERTAD2, SHBG, SMAC, SNCG, Somatotropin, SOST, SOX17, SOX2, SPARCL1, SPINK1, SRMS, SSEA-1, SSEA-4, SSTR2, SSTR5, Survivin, SYK, Syndecan-1, Syndecan-3, TACE, TAF4, Tec, TFF1, TFF3, Thrombin, Thrombomodulin, Thymidine Kinase-1, Thyroglobulin, TIM-1, TNK1, TOPORS, TPA, TPM1, TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81, Transferrin, Trappin-2, TRKB, Troponin C, Troponin I, TRPC1, TRPC6, TRPM7, Trypsin 1, TSH, TSLP, TXK, Tyk2, TYRO10, Uromodulin, Vasopressin, VDUP-1, VEGF R1, VGF, VIP Receptor 2, Visfatin, Vitamin D Receptor, Vitamin D-BP, Vitamin K-dependent protein S, Vitronectin, VWF, Wilms Tumor 1, XIAP, ZAG, ZAP70
    • High density arrays
    • 493 Human proteins
    • Direct biotin labeling of proteins
    • High detection sensitivity
    • Accurate and reproducible
    • Affordable, quick and simple to use
    L-Series Antibody Array Membranes or Glass Slides
    Spin Columns / Dialysis Tube
    Labeling Reagent
    Stop Solution
    Blocking Buffer
    Streptavidin-Conjugated HRP or Streptavidin-Conjugated HiLyte Fluor 532
    Wash Buffer 1
    Wash Buffer 2
    Plastic Sheets
    Floating Dialysis Rack
    Plastic Incubation Tray
    Detection Buffer C
    Detection Buffer D

    *Accessories include: 2-well or 4-well incubation chamber with gasket, protective cover, snap-on sides, adhesive film
    Distilled or de-ionized water
    KCl, NaCl, KH2PO4 and Na2HPO4
    Small plastic or glass containers
    Orbital shaker or oscillating rocker
    Beaker, stir plate and stir bar
    1 mL tube
    Pipettors, pipette tips and other common lab consumables
    Laser scanner for fluorescence detection (list of compatible scanners available at http://www.raybiotech.com/resources.asp)
    Aluminum foil
  • 应用备注
    Completely cover membranes with sample or buffer during incubation and cover Plastic Incubation Tray with lid to avoid drying. Avoid foaming during incubation steps. Perform all incubation and wash steps under gentle rotation. Several incubation steps such as step 3 in page 10 (sample incubation) or step 7 in page 11 (HRP-Conjugated Streptavidin incubation) may be done at 4 °C for overnight.

    The L-series arrays utilize direct labeling for signal detection, wherein the antigen is tagged with biotin prior to incubation with the capture antibody. The signal is then developed with a streptavidin-conjugated HRP or fluor. Since this array requires only a single antibody per target molecule (as opposed to an antibody pair), any possibility of interactions between antibodies within the same array panel is eliminated. Thus, an unlimited number of antibodies may theoretically be included in each panel, making this array platform ideal for high-content screening of protein expression.
    The capture antibodies for L-Series may be spotted on either glass slide or membrane.

    100 μL
    Membrane,Glass Slide
    1. Dialyze samples in PBS
    2. Biotinylate Samples
    3. Dialyze biotinylated Samples in PBS
    4. Block array membranes
    5. Incubate with Samples
    6. Incubate with HRP-Conjugated Streptavidin
    7. Incubate with Detection Buffers
    8. Image with chemiluminescent imaging system
    9. Perform densitometry and analysis
  • 注意事项
    Always use forceps to handle membranes and grip the membranes by the edges only. Never allow membranes to dry during the experiment. Avoid touching membranes with hands or any sharp tools.
    4 °C/-20 °C
    For best results, store the entire kit frozen at -20°C upon arrival. Stored frozen, the kit will be stable for at least 6 months which is the duration of the product warranty period. Once thawed, store array slide(s) at -20°C and all other reagents undiluted at 4°C for no more than 3 months.
  • Soria-Valles, Osorio, Gutiérrez-Fernández, De Los Angeles, Bueno, Menéndez, Martín-Subero, Daley, Freije, López-Otín: "NF-κB activation impairs somatic cell reprogramming in ageing." in: Nature cell biology, Vol. 17, Issue 8, pp. 1004-13, (2015) (PubMed).

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