The protein encoded by this gene is a component of the heterotrimeric type II ribonuclease H enzyme (RNAseH2). RNAseH2 is the major source of ribonuclease H activity in mammalian cells and endonucleolytically cleaves ribonucleotides. It is predicted to remove Okazaki fragment RNA primers during lagging strand DNA synthesis and to excise single ribonucleotides from DNA-DNA duplexes. Mutations in this gene cause Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome (AGS), a an autosomal recessive neurological disorder characterized by progressive microcephaly and psychomotor retardation, intracranial calcifications, elevated levels of interferon-alpha and white blood cells in the cerebrospinal fluid.,RNASEH2A,AGS4,JUNB,RNASEHI,RNHIA,RNHL,Epigenetics & Nuclear Signaling,RNASEH2A