Specific for the ~93 kDa periostin doublet in mouse lung extract. This antibody does not recognize the single heart form of periostin or the lowest molecular weight form of lung periostin. Consistent with the fact that this antibody is made against an alternatively spliced region of periostin, this antibody recognizes a subset of the forms of periostin recognized on Western blots by the Pan periostin antibody (Catalog number 1622-PERI) and also shows a distinctive staining pattern by immunohistochemistry (data not shown). The antibody works well for immunohistochemistry on paraformaldehyde-fixed sections with a simple antigen-retrieval protocol (incubate slides for 20 minutes at 90° C in 10 mM sodium citrate (pH 6.0)/ 0.1 % Tween-20). The antibody is expected to work on all mammalian , avian species.
小鸡, 人, 小鼠
most mammalian and avian
Antigen Affinity Purified
Bacterial fusion protein equivalent to a 188-amino acid polypeptide from the C-terminal region of mouse periostin which is comprised of six small alternatively-spliced exons
Periostin is a matricellular protein, i.e. an extracellular matrix protein that interacts both with other ECM proteins and with cell-surface receptors. Like many other matricellular proteins, the function of periostin is important both in embryonic development and in the remodeling of adult tissues in response to pathological insults. Periostin was originally isolated as an osteoblast-specific marker that functions as a cell adhesion molecule for preosteoblasts and is thought to be involved in osteoblast recruitment, attachment and spreading (Kruzynska-Frejtag A. et al., 2004). Periostin has recently been shown to promote collagen fibrogenesis, inhibit differentiation of progenitor cells into cardiomyocytes and to be essential in maintaining the biomechanical properties of the adult myocardium (Norris et al., 2008) Anti-Periostin Western blot of rat lung lysate showing specific immunolabeling of the ~ 93 kDa periostin protein doublet.